Trauma and PTSD – Calgary NW

Trauma & PTSD Counselling in Calgary & Area

Trauma can be a very confusing and frightening thing that is often misunderstood. Trauma, by definition, is a lasting emotional response that can result from living through a distressing event or events. Traumatic events are difficult to define because different events may impact people differently than others. 

Traumatic events can be things like:

  • A recent, single event such as a car accident or a assault.
  • A single event that occurred in the past such as the death of a loved one, or a bullying event as a child.
  • A long-term chronic experience such as childhood neglect or abuse.

Experiencing a traumatic event may cause mental and physical health symptoms and can lead to a mental health disorder such as Acute Stress Disorder or Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). 

Common symptoms of PTSD include:  

  • Flashbacks and/or nightmares
  • Difficulty sleeping and fatigue
  • Severe anxiety and intrusive thoughts or memories about the event
  • Feelings of emotional distress, helplessness, hopelessness, and guilt
  • Avoiding thinking about the event and/or avoiding places and people that remind you of the event
  • Difficulty concentrating or feeling “fuzzy” or “brain fog”
  • Feeling on “high alert” or hypervigilant

KM Counselling

Trauma & PTSD Treatment - Calgary

8 Varsity Estates Circle NW

Let's Connect

Free 15-min phone consultations

trauma ptsd treatment calgary - office

What is PTSD?

What to Do if I Have Symptoms of Trauma or PTSD

Living with symptoms of trauma can be debilitating, and treatment can differ depending on the type of trauma diagnosis. Therefore, it is important to seeking help from a qualified mental health professional with training in diagnoses and evidence-based treatment. 

Some common evidence-based counselling approaches to treating trauma include Prolonged Exposure Therapy, Eye Movement and Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR), and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. At KM Counselling you will work with a trauma-informed therapist who is experienced in treating trauma and trained in Prolonged Exposure Therapy. 

About Trauma Treatment at KM Counselling

Because starting counselling for trauma can be scary, it is important to understand that at KM Counselling, you work with the psychologist at your pace. The purpose of trauma therapy is not to “re-live” your trauma or feel “re-traumatized”. The purpose of trauma counselling is to be able to safely process all the thoughts, feelings, and sensations of trauma in a controlled and tolerable way so that it helps to lessen and hopefully eliminate your symptoms. 

At KM Counselling, you will work with a psychologist who takes pride in using a therapeutic approach that helps you feel safe, validated, and is tailored to your unique experience and needs. At the onset of counselling, you will work with the therapist to explore your symptoms and assess what you are experiencing. During this first step, you can share as much or little with the therapist as you find helpful, and the process should feel collaborative and safe every step of the way. 

Your symptoms and diagnoses will inform the psychologist about what treatment options are best suited to you, and these options will be discussed with you. During the counselling process you will also work with the therapist to develop stress management tools that can help you cope and gain a sense of empowerment in your daily life.

Frequently Asked Questions About Trauma and Trauma Treatment

Is PTSD and trauma treatment effective?

Yes. Symptoms of trauma and PTSD can be effectively treated and are often treated with psychological counselling with the possible addition of medications. Most people that receive treatment for PTSD see a reduction or an elimination of their symptoms. The effectiveness of counselling is always dependent on several factors, including the severity of symptoms and possible co-existing conditions.

How long does trauma treatment take?

Treatment length will vary depending on the complexity of symptoms; however, an average treatment length for PTSD is in the range of 8 – 20+ appointments. Most people can start to see some improvement within the first several sessions.

What other trauma resources are available?

Many issues that people seek counselling for are not easy to talk about. That is why KM Counselling strives to create a safe and empathic space where you can talk about the hard things with a registered psychologist who will tailor a counselling approach specific to your unique needs. 

No matter what issues you are seeking support to address, KM Counselling is here to help explore the issues most important to you. Don’t wait to experience meaningful, lasting change. 

Let’s connect today. 

KM Counselling

Trauma & PTSD Treatment - Calgary

8 Varsity Estates Circle NW

Let's Connect

Free 15-min phone consultations
